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Founder and Musical Director: John Abraham

John Abraham studied conducting at the Cranford Summer School of Music in the early 1980s, and has subsequently undertaken courses with the Association of British Choral Directors. John’s love of music, alongside his social conscience, inspired him to lead Côr Cochion, which he led until the early 1990s, producing many musical arrangements which are still widely used.

In 1990 John pursued his interests in classical choral music and formed Canton Chorus, adopting John’s principles of inclusivity and welcome, allowing all people to make and perform classical music. In 2008 John formed Côr Elen in Abergavenny, a choir which performs a cappella, often socialist, songs.


Some of the singers John has helped into the music world have subsequently  taken formal lessons, attended various music courses across the country, and sing with Opera Mint, Opera in Situ, and WNO’s Community Chorus

He was awarded the Leonard and Marian Jones Music in the Community Award of £250 from the Cardiff University Centre for Lifelong Learning for his unending commitment to accessible community music making. 

Principal Accompanist: Benjamin Teague

Benjamin Teague (they/them) is a freelance Welsh organist and composer based in Cardiff. Benjamin is a bachelors and masters graduate of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, where they studied composition with Michael McCartney and the late Peter Reynolds, alongside organ studies in Llandaff Cathedral with David Geoffrey Thomas. A particular area of interest for Benjamin is music and mental health, having completed their dissertation at RWCMD on the mental health and perception thereof of Robert Schumann.


Benjamin is the co Director of Music and founder of Cardiff Chamber Choir, an ensemble focused on performing works by marginalised and/or forgotten composers alongside the mainstays of modern repertoire. They have performed several concerts together across South Wales, and have an exciting programme of concerts lined up for the rest of the year. Benjamin is the accompanist for Choir With No Name (Cardiff), Canton Chorus, Calon Chorus, and a pianist for Forget Me Not Chorus, and has performed several solo organ recitals across the country, including at St David’s, Bangor, Brecon, Cardiff, Newport, and Bristol Cathedrals, and on the 1775/1864 John Snetzler organ at the National Museum of Wales.

Trustees & Post Holders


Trustee and Chair:          Steve Bowkett

Trustee and Vice Chair:  Richard Tebbeth

Trustee and Secretary:   Anna Brazier

Trustee and Treasurer:   Neil Schofield

Trustee:                          Margot Henery


Part Representatives


Soprano:                         Sara Hayes

Alto:                                Jane Tooby

Tenor:                             Margot Henery

Bass:                                Gareth Jones




Librarian:                          Jane Brown

Web Manager:                 Phil Hawkins


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